How to Install GameHouse 133 PC – Are you currently looking for a tutorial on how to install this game without experiencing any problems at all? Or do you want to reminisce about the era of the 2000s? If the answer is correct, then you are at the right place. And here is a tutorial on how to install Gamehouse 133 PC full version on a computer or laptop.
Download GameHouse 133 PC
Before continuing with the tutorial on how to install the game, do you already have the game file on your computer or laptop? If the answer is that you don’t have it, don’t worry. Please download Gamehouse 133 PC full version on your computer or laptop via the link Google Drive.
- After going to the Google Drive link above, double-click the file ditumbas-gamehouse-133.rar.
- Then click Download.
- Wait for the game file download process to complete 100% complete.
How to Install GameHouse 133 PC
1. Extract GameHouse 133 Files
- Open the folder Downloads to search for the game file that you downloaded in the previous step.
- Then right click the file ditumbas-gamehouse-133.rar.
- Then click WinRAR.
- And click Extract Here.
2. Install GameHouse 133 PC v1
- You open the folder PUBLISHED – GameHouse 133.
- Then you will see:
- folder gamehouse-1
- folder gamehouse-2
- submit sn-gamehouse.txt
- Please open the folder gamehouse-1 First.
- Double click the file Settings.exe.
- Next you click Next.
- Choose I accept the agreement First.
- Then click Next.
- Then you open the file sn-gamehouse.txt.
- Copy Fill in the gamehouse serial number in the file.
- And Pasta Password column.
- After that, click Next.
- You can click Next Again.
- Fill in the fields Last name as desired.
- Then click Next.
- You click Explore… to determine the game installation location.
- If, for example, you want to place it on partition e, then click Disk (E:).
- Don’t forget to click OKAY to confirm.
- Then click Next.
- Click Next Again.
- And click Next Again.
- Please click Next Again.
- Up here, you can click Install.
- Wait for the game installation process to complete 100% complete.
- When finished, click Finish.
3. Install GameHouse 133 PC v2
- You can open the folder gamehouse-2.
- Then double click the file Settings.exe.
- Then click Next.
- Determine the game installation location by clicking Explore… Formerly.
- Because in step 2 number 16, you selected partition e. Then click Disk (E:) Also.
- This is intended to make it easier.
- Then click OKAY.
- And click Next.
- You click Next Again.
- You can click Next Again.
- After that, click Install.
- Wait for the game installation process to complete 100% complete.
- Lastly, click Finish.
4. Play
- Find the game installation location. For example, we put in partition e. Then you can click Disk (E :).
- And later, you will see:
- folder GameHouse
- folder GameHouse Game Collection
- Please you select collection gamehouse which is in both folders. Have a nice play!
After turning off your PC/Laptop
Below is a tutorial on how to replay the Gamehouse collection that you have installed, after you turn off the computer or laptop. The method is very easy. No need to repeat all the steps above.
- You open File Explorer.
- Then look for the game installation location. For example, being in Disk (E:).
- And please select the game collection which is located in the folder GameHouse And GameHouse Game Collection.
Gaming Hub
A gaming hub can refer to a central platform or space dedicated to gaming, where players can access games, interact with other gamers, and enjoy related content.
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